No longer together as partners
Always together as parents

Child Friendly Divorce

Our practice specializes in family law and family mediation.

A divorce is a drastic event for everyone in the family in which each lives through it in their own way.
During this period, you will be making important decisions that you do not always know are right and possible.  Concerns about finances, housing and your children can cause tensions to rise. Perhaps you have noticed that this puts a lot of pressure on the communication between you as parents.

We guide you through your divorce in which both your emotions and practical issues receive the attention they deserve.  

During this process we inform you about the legal aspects and everything that matters. In our working method, the best interests of the children and your interests as parents always come first.

What we do


Mediation offers you the opportunity to speak out and to talk things through. You remain in control; together you reach agreements that work. On average, mediation is completed within 3 half-days in our practice and the divorce can be finalized within 2 months.

Child-friendly divorce

Within our practice, your children are the focus and the children's best interests always come first.

Children's coach

Children often feel responsible and may think they are to blame for the divorce. When needed, our child coach stands beside the children during the divorce and, as a professional, speaks the language of both you, as parents, and the children..

Helped partners
Children involved
Days until official divorce
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