Our practice specializes in family law, where we guide you as parents through mediation to make agreements.
Uncertainty about finances, housing and your children can cloud your feelings and create unwanted tensions. During this period, you make important decisions, the impact of which may be unclear for now and the future, and you do not always know what is good and possible. You may have noticed that this puts a lot of pressure on the communication between you as parents.
We guide you through your divorce, ensuring that both practical matters and emotions receive the attention they deserve.
During this process we will inform you about the legal aspects and everything that matters. In our working method, the interest of the children and your interest as parents always comes first.
What we do

Mediation offers you the opportunity to express yourselves and to talk things out. You keep control and come to agreements with each other. On average, mediation with us takes 3 half days and the divorce can be arranged from A to Z within 2 months, without you having to go to court yourself.

Child-friendly divorce
Within our practice, your children are central and their interests always come first.
We are certified KIES mediators and therefore have received additional training to ensure we do not lose sight of the interests of your children.
A child interview is the way to hear the voice of your children. In an appropriate manner, with your permission, one of the mediators will conduct a child interview with children from the age of 5.

Children's coach
Children often feel responsible and may think they are to blame for the divorce.
If needed, our child coach will be there for the children during and after the divorce.